Leaving neverland twitter
Leaving neverland twitter

Black comedy was peppered with MJ jokes, including jokes about his alleged pedophilia. For much of the ‘90s, Michael was prime tabloid fodder, and his relationship with black culture was complicated. Severe alterations to his appearance questions about his sexuality – or lack thereof his unusual obsessions like The Elephant Man’s remains his propensity to take a chimpanzee with him everywhere, and then take young boys with him everywhere his incredibly strange marriages first to the princess of Rock ‘n’ Roll, Lisa Marie Presley, and then to Debbie Rowe, the mother of his children (who seemed like the most random white woman on the planet for Michael Jackson to procreate with) and finally his behavior as a father, covering his kids with masks in public (which I think many of us understand, now), and dangling his infant baby over a hotel balcony. Michael Jackson was synonymous with scandal for over a decade.


I’m old enough to remember Thriller’s release (I was in elementary school), to remember the “Black or White” video premiere on TV (middle school), and to remember the Wacko Jacko tabloid era. I believe one’s approach to Leaving Neverland depends on what Michael Jackson era they experienced. Some fans have complained about black writers, especially, who’ve reviewed the documentary without dismissing it as a farce. Jackson superfans have been rabidly swarming anyone who mentions Leaving Neverland on Twitter, sending court transcripts and links they argue debunk allegations made over the years and discredit Robson and Safechuck.

Leaving neverland twitter